Marine Sanctuary

This image grew out of a visit to Channel Islands National Park
in 2008, off the coast of Ventura, California and from observations
of the several wild reefs at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL. 

Water has been the sustainer of life for all beings on Earth for millenia. 
We know today, that all life on this planet came forth from the sea,
 and gave birth to the myriad forms of life that exist on our planet.
 Even today, we still think of the sea as endless life, without
 realizing that every living thing has a beginning and an end.

The beauty of undersea life, its reefs, forests and fish colonies.
 is imaged here to remind us to stop, look and think about
 the meaning of just one drop of water, 
and what this life bearing gift means to us.​

(watercolor / pastel 11" x 15")

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